
Workshop “The Digital Innovation Hub IDEMO organized a workshop on October 13, 2023, titled “Funding Programs and Technical Support for Innovations in SMEs with a Focus on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.”

November 8, 2023

The Digital Innovation Hub IDEMO organized a workshop on October 13, 2023, titled “Funding Programs and Technical Support for Innovations in SMEs with a Focus on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.” The workshop was intended for representatives of institutions and organizations providing support to SMEs, as well as representatives of companies interested in digitizing manufacturing processes.

The workshop aimed to present the application of robotics and artificial intelligence in the operations of manufacturing companies and provide examples of support for business improvement in manufacturing through DIH (Digital Innovation Hub).

During his presentation, Prof. Dr. Kosta Jovanović from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Belgrade explained the reasons for investing in industrial robots, provided examples of robot applications in the industry, explained current trends in robot usage, discussed the characteristics of industrial robots, and introduced participants to new robotic technologies. He also explained the concept of DIH and presented the Belgrade Robotics Hub. In conclusion, he informed participants about current projects supporting companies and open calls for funding innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Nikolina Dorontić Alibabić introduced the Digital Innovation Hub – Idemo, its structure, activities, and service catalog. She also presented the Center for Digital Transformation (CDT PKRS) and its activities in the field of digital transformation for SMEs.

Zoran Đurić, the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Banja Luka, presented the available business support services offered by the faculty and the possibilities for collaboration between the business and academic communities.

The workshop was organized within the framework of the EU4DigitalSME project, jointly funded by the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ). The project aims to establish and support the development of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ).